Plastic Bottles For Sale

I cannot deny the fact that we still use plastic. We buy juices in plastic bottles.. then from time to time we buy mineral in plastic bottles. But what I am proud is that if we buy items i plastic bottle packaging, we make sure to buy the biggest one, of course to minimize the use of plastic.

Some of the plastic bottles, we still use as water container, most of it, I just throw. My sister scolded me for doing that. They used to keep empty plastic bottle and sell on on junk shops. I knew some of our neighbors do that, I knew some who was able to buy a ping pong balls and paddle from the money they got from selling plastic bottles.

Tempting it may sound but I cannot collect plastic bottles.  I just cannot live with too much clutter on the house.

Cities In The Philippines That Has An Ordinance On Limiting The Use Of Plastics

I have very open on my move to go plastic less. I am still not 100% free of plastic but I try to shy away from it as much as possible. When I buy medicines from a drug store, I always told them no top put it in  plastic bag. Those lttle plastics cannot be reuse. So the next time you buy diet pills on your drug store, you can try to jut put it directly in your bag end not use plastic.

Banning plastic bags or limiting the use of it has been in place for many countries in the world. The Philippines, being one that supports the environment, is now doing something, even little by little, to be a good example to neighboring cities. Due to plastics used the wrong way, it has caused our health and environment some damage. Many people, for lack of discipline, just throw their trash everywhere and anywhere, even in canals and sewage, rivers and beaches. Flash floods happen because of that habit. Trash, especially plastics, is the prime reason of clogging drainage.

The move to ban plastics and use paper bags instead is a good start to limit the plastic bags. Although plastics are waterproof, it cannot be degradable and soggy just to melt away when they fall into drainage systems.

of our lauding like Muntinlupa City, Batangas City, Los Banos (Laguna) and Binan (Laguna). Hopefully, others will follow.
There are several places that are worthy

The Ecobag Collection

I still don’t know where to put this, the ecobag collection. Should it be on my parenting blog since that’s where I started to post our green living? Or should it be here on my home blog since I have been posting green living ideas here?

Having a lot of blogs can be challenging at times. There are topics that seems to be good on my other blogs and still would work on some of my blogs. Of course when the topic is about phones and technology, techpehpot is the way to go. Hubby’s phone went straight to that site and even the new htc was posted there. I also have a hard time publishing press release, and events. I would be invited to cover an event and was expected to blog in on my main blog.. but then again the topic was off with my main blog. Sometimes, I just blogged it twice, one with my main blog, with a touch of motherhood on it (since it is a parenting blog) and the other would be posted on the blog where the topic is related.

Back to my ecobag, where do you think I should post it?



The Lady Who Say No To Plastic

A few months ago, whenever I asked a vendor not to put my items to a plastic bag, I got a confused stare or a smirk or a tease. Then they would comment about being eco friendly (in a sarcastic tone). That’s how people react to us being green.

Recently though when  I bought some custom pins, I noticed that they no longer give me the same reaction. Now, they would just nod and remember me as the lady who say no to plastic.


GM #4: The PMC Eco Bag

I was not able to join last.. was really tired from what a recent sad event in our family. And this week, I’m late. What kind of participant am I?

Anyways, my entry for this week is the eco bag I gave out last PMC Grand EB. There was a suggestion to bring a token for the moms attending the event. The moment I learned about it, I already what I will give to my fellow PMC member. An eco bag of course. Being aware of the impact of plastic in our environment, we decided to stop using plastic or to shy away from it as much as possible. After a few weeks of trying to avoid it, we are not 90% plastic free. But we know it does not end there, we need to do more to help save the planet. Giving out eco bag is our way of bringing awareness to the people, of encouraging them to bring their own bag instead of using plastic bags.

I hope that PMC members, being influential bloggers, will also help in spreading the news and the habit of bringing their own bag. And I hope they will wear the PMC eco bag proudly.