Folding Clothes

I dread folding clothes. It is the most time consuming house hold chore for me. One reason why, is the fact that I take extra care on folding our clothes. As much as possible I want it all straight and folded the same way. My helper knows that so she when she folds the clean clothes, she leaves our clothes. It’s hard to fold clothes that have a different style than an ordinary shirt. Like for example breeches with copped peg, sharp flare on the upper part of the clothing, it would be hard to fold this specially if the flare is big, I guess this better left off hanging.

I have been thinking of inventing a folding accessory or helper that will teach my house helps to fold our clothes neatly or in a super uber organized way. But that would be too much, so i guess folding will remain to be my chores, up until one on my kids emerged as OC as me. That’s the kid’s closet and as much as possible I try to make it as organized as I can.

Organic Gardening

We often heard organic food, organic gardening and organic horticulture, but what does it really means? Defining the term organic will be difficult but when you say organic food, it only means one thing, food that are grown without the use of fertilizers and other chemicals. Organic horticulture is the science of growing foods following the principle of organic agriculture.

Organic Agriculture or Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on crop rotation, green manure, compost, biological pest control, organically approved pesticide application and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests, excluding or strictly limiting the use of synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock antibiotics, food additives, and genetically modified organisms. (

Organic farming does not really increase the productivity of harvest drops. So why is organic farming gaining more popularity? Because through organic farming, the soil productivity is preserved thus making a piece of land have longer life span in terms of planting. In the long run, organic farming can yield more harvest.

What will you need if you opt for organic farming/ gardening? Some people thought that organic farming is expensive, I even read from one of my marce blog that a certain foreigner says that we cannot afford organic farming. Excuse me mr foreigner but organic farming has been in the Philippines long before your big companies introduced pesticides to us. You can buy organic products from the people in the province (in fact my mom use to buy organic rice, organic crops and everything organic from a town near her place). To start organic farming is to learn the basic of organic agriculture, as it was mentioned above, the use of organic fertlizers and crop rotation, remember that the main goal of organic farming is to maintain the productivity of the soil.

The Challenge Of Packing

Moving is one the biggest challenge a homemaker has to face. There is so much to do like packing the things, sorting out the things and thinking of ways to minimize the clutter and the moving boxes. Then contacting a moving company is another thing. Which makes me think why moving trucks have big truck exhaust. Is it because they can carry a lot of load? Just like with race cars, why do they have bigger exhaust system? Oh well maybe it has something to do with the revolution and the likes. Anyways,if there is one thing I like about moving, that would be decluttering. Last year, when we decided to move (which did not push through), I started throwing some stuffs. From ten boxes, our clutter was down to 5. See what I mean?

I love the fact that moving can be a good excuse for having a general cleaning in the house. I fact, I already posted some guides on how to effectively move out or pack your things. It’s like a game to me where I am competing with myself and he limitations of the boxes that I can use. It’s a big battle specially for things that I cannot let go but I needed to.

How Washing Machine Works

A washing machine is made up of 3 parts:

First is a heavy motor that spins laundry.

The second part is a balancing system to keep it in place, which is composed of a metal frame that holds the motor and concrete weight to balance the washing machine’s movements…

As well as three pulleys that counter balance each other so that the machine does not shake.

Towards the bottom of the washing machine, there is a damping system that are attached to the washing machine frame via springs. This system squeezes two pads against the black metal frame to absorb some of the force from the vibrations.

And the third and main part, which does all the washing are two steel tubs composed of …

An outer tub, which seals in all the waterand is bolted to the body of the washer and …

An inner tub, which holds the clothesand is perforated at the sides so that water can leave.

This inner tub is attached to the gearbox, which is attached to the motor. In the middle of the inner tub is the agitator that keeps the clothes moving, to make it clean.

It is mainly this movement that makes your clothes clean.

Simple yet efficient. That’s how your mechanical lavandera works.


Trip Down Memory Lane

Do you remember the time when we have no play money? Those time where you play buy and sell and uses leaves as your money (where as your merchandise are leaves too LOL).

My kids were asking me a while ago if I used to play cashier when I was a kid.

Now you’re on for a trip down memory lane…

When I was a kid, me and playmates used to play in our backyard or their backyard. We would play buy and sell or play house. We would pretend we were sellers and cooks. One time we decided we no longer have to pretend so we cooked our very first meal! We got kangkong leaves, rice and salted egg.

The fun of having to eat the food you just cooked still makes me smile up to now.. ahh childhood.

Kids now are not as lucky as we are no.