Memory Loss

How forgetful can we be? Last month we did not pay our water bill because we can’t find the bill. Then this month in our bill it says that we have to pay the months consumption in order to prevent them form the cutting their service with us. My bad, since I was busy researching for medical coding training courses for a friend, it slip my mind. It so happens that we should pay our bill on the 14th to prevent them from cutting the service. SO the next day, April 15, when we got back from Paula’s birthday party, we were shocked to learned that they cut our water service. Oh my!

Immediately we paid our bill and yeah we have to pay for their reconnection fee which is $10. Hubby called their service center and he was furious to learned that it will take them 5 days to reconnect our service. Oh yes, we paid $10 to wait for 5 days.

Couples Corner: Movies

Rodliz’s Nest

Couples Corner will be moving here. This is a house and home blog so better put a bit about relationship here. And I need traffic and comments for this blog..haha The theme for this week is watching movies. Hubby and me are not movie goers. I am not a movie buff (makes you think why I have a movie review blog) and he is not too. But I do dream of having an outdoor movie, that’s why I keep checking out  Oudoor Movie HQ from time to time.

When it comes to movie genre, we are different.I like watching suspense/ horror films. You can’t get him to watch those kinds of films. He loves action/ hostage drama type, I don’t. I love action/death defying films. He does not. He love Samuel Jackson. I love Julia Roberts. He likes Godfather, er I can’t relate (hey he even plays Mafia on FB). I love musicals, he wonders why (I can’t even sing a good happy birthday song). But we both love LOTR and Sting (an old film) and X-Men and other famous films like Transformers and Marvels.

How do we do when we watch movie? I sleep, he watch LOL. By now you know it’s not one of our bonding time.. we prefer eating and sleeping together. We are so bum. Some time though, we watch movies together and I love the fact that he always ask me what is happening (shows who is smarter LOL). I always tell him that I hate it when he does that but deep inside me, I enjoy it so much.

Red Dress On Saturday

I am a bit excited because hubby and me will be out this coming weekend. We are going to attend a wedding and the requirement is to wear a red dress. Good thing that I lose some of the fats I gained last Holy Week. Now I am really thankful that best weight loss supplement worked with me. But hey, do not expect a thin and skinny me because it will never happen. For one, I have a bigger bust line so I will not be skinny even if I don’t eat. I am happy with my body now, a little more less on the tummy part and off we go to the wedding!

I am still not sure what kind of dress I will wear. I am thinking of wearing a short one and pair it with black tights. What do you think?

How To Lower Your Meralco Bill

So, you have seen how much your Meralco Bill is. And you’re done cursing and hoping for miracles. Now, let’s be more logicl and think of something that we can do to lower our Meralco/ electricity bill.

On using rice cooker: When you are using a rice cooker to cook your rice, here is what you can do to lower the time that it is plugged and consuming electricity. As you know, you have to wash the rice for 2x, after the second wash, just leave the water on it for about 10 minutes. Then drain it and add hot water (from your thermos) and cook it in your rice cooker.

On using your refrigerator, you can try making ice at night. On the morning, bring out a large pitcher or water container and put the ice you made the night before. In this case, you will not be opening your ref often for cold water.

On using your air conditioner, er.. I cannot suggest anything on this field as I have four kids who cannot bear heat. You can try turning it off at 2 in the morning and just use fan.

And lastly and one of the most important tip to lower electricity consumption.. UNPLUG YOUR APPLIANCES such as TV, electric fan, computer when they are not in use.

Now, wait till next month as I have heard from the news that the REAL increase on our electric bill will reflect on our April consumption bill.