Eating Green: 10 Malunggay Benefits For Your Health

Green leafy vegetables are just lovely. I am so glad that my mom introduced us to vegetables when we were little. Malunggay is one of my favorite vegetables, from its leaves to its fruits. Yep, you heard it right, the fruit is edible and in fact, super delicious! I found Malunggay benefits are pretty impressive, especially that I am breastfeeding my youngest son. Fortunately, we managed to plant some in our backyard so no need to ask some from the neighborhood. If you still can’t find a reason on planting and go green with Malunggay, I will give you ten!

10 Malunggay Benefits For Your Health

10 Surprising Uses of Malunggay:

  1. Boosting breastmilk production- I have proven it, having five kids is not easy! All of them are breastfeed, and my youngest who is turning one is still breastfeeding.
  2. Improve immune system- Works every time.
  3. Combats infection, fungal, and bacterial causes- Great for effective healing of wounds. Trust me, like I said I have five kids- 4 boys just to make it clear!
  4. Promotes good eyesight- We need it, we are a family of vision deficiency.
  5. Decrease high sugar levels- And we are a family of “sweet tooth” too!
  6. Heals a headache and prevents a migraine- That is why I seldom have migraine attacks!
  7. Restores skin’s health- Do I need to say more?
  8. Prevents cancer with phytochemicals ingredients- Good to hear about it as I have some relatives suffered from the big C.
  9. Treatment of common cold- Malunggay is ideal for battling the weather.
  10. Aid in better sleeping- I totally agreed!

As a mother, I always want to make sure that the welfare of my family comes first.  That is why whenever I cook for them, I always prepare a dish with a dash of Malunggay. I also mix some dried leaves on my lactating beverages, and it even improves the taste! I just love it! Malunggay benefits are just fantastic!

The Ecobag Collection

I still don’t know where to put this, the ecobag collection. Should it be on my parenting blog since that’s where I started to post our green living? Or should it be here on my home blog since I have been posting green living ideas here?

Having a lot of blogs can be challenging at times. There are topics that seems to be good on my other blogs and still would work on some of my blogs. Of course when the topic is about phones and technology, techpehpot is the way to go. Hubby’s phone went straight to that site and even the new htc was posted there. I also have a hard time publishing press release, and events. I would be invited to cover an event and was expected to blog in on my main blog.. but then again the topic was off with my main blog. Sometimes, I just blogged it twice, one with my main blog, with a touch of motherhood on it (since it is a parenting blog) and the other would be posted on the blog where the topic is related.

Back to my ecobag, where do you think I should post it?



GM #4: The PMC Eco Bag

I was not able to join last.. was really tired from what a recent sad event in our family. And this week, I’m late. What kind of participant am I?

Anyways, my entry for this week is the eco bag I gave out last PMC Grand EB. There was a suggestion to bring a token for the moms attending the event. The moment I learned about it, I already what I will give to my fellow PMC member. An eco bag of course. Being aware of the impact of plastic in our environment, we decided to stop using plastic or to shy away from it as much as possible. After a few weeks of trying to avoid it, we are not 90% plastic free. But we know it does not end there, we need to do more to help save the planet. Giving out eco bag is our way of bringing awareness to the people, of encouraging them to bring their own bag instead of using plastic bags.

I hope that PMC members, being influential bloggers, will also help in spreading the news and the habit of bringing their own bag. And I hope they will wear the PMC eco bag proudly.

GM #3: My Dream Trees

I do have a dream house. I want to have a big house with 3 to 4 bedrooms (and one small bedroom for the helper). I also want a house with a large kitchen.. oh wait! before I end up talking about my dream house, let’s move on to my dream tree. Of course, included on my dream place is big backyard where my kids can run wild and free and where I can plant trees and vegetables. I always turn green with envy when I see houses with fruit bearing trees. And yes, one of my dream tree is this:

Mango Tree. I want two kinds of mango tree, indian mango and the bigger one (kalabaw ba tawag dun?). Aside from Mango tree, I also want Malunggay tree. We love using its leaves as part of our dishes and so its fruit. I also want a guava tree, because it looks so nice in a backyard.

For this week, this is my entry for Green Monday.. Happy Green Living!




GM #2: What You Need To Know About Anti Smoking Law

Supposedly, my entry for this week is the guava tree in front of the house or the policy here in Pasig on green living.. but when I heard about this on the radio, I just have to share this:

What You Need To Know About Anti Smoking Law

Do you know that MMDA are not allowed to smoke during their office hours. So when you see an MMDA smoking while on duty, you have all the right to report them.

I am always offended when the driver of a jeepney I am riding smokes. Can he be a bit considerate on his passengers. Now I learned, I actually have the right to tell him to stop smoking or else I will report him to the authority. Smoking in public vehicles is against the law. And if in case a passenger smokes inside the jeepney and the driver did not stopped him, he can also be reported to the authority for not stopping the passenger.

Any one who as caught smoking in public areas or not smoking areas are fined 500 PhP or 8 hours of community service.

And a trivia I have learned: getting a business permit for a restaurant with a smoking area is much much higher than getting one without a smoking area. It’s good to know that at least the government are making simple steps to stop smoking here in our country. But of course, the best thing they can do is to put a higher, much higher tax to tobacco products. Our country taxed Tobacco companies lower from what other countries do. That is why the price of Tobacoo products here in the country is lower, if only the government will tax them more, it will no longer be that accessible to the Filipino people. Gamot ang babaan nyo ng presyo imbis na yosi (o kaya Tsokolate galeng tate hehe)