CC: Cry, Cry, Cry

Picking up from last week’s entry.. my mom picked us Tuesday and he did not even bothered to stop us.. While we were in the province, I had the chance to reflect on our life as a couple and as a family.. I really thought that he favored his visitors (actually his family) more than us.. and Wednesday I texted him and told him it’s over, and he never argued.. He just called my mom and told her to take care of us (how stupid right?). I cried so much.. there I was in the hospital having tests on my blood (I’ve been experiencing back pains) and I was breaking up with him. What will happen to my kids if I have a serious condition? Thinking about them, I decide to end our dispute and just told him I’m sorry. He said he’ll just “dispatch” (ihahatid daw nya pauwi LOL) his visitors and we can go home.

Rodliz’s Nest

From then on, there was never an instance that he favored other people more than us. He may not admit it but I know he was so scared of us leaving him.. hehe

CC: How To Know If A Relationship Is Over?

The theme for Couple’s Corner this week is when we thought the relationship is over, hence my title: How To Know If A Relationship Is Over?

Here are some signs to look for when you are in doubt with your relationship: 3 Signs Your Relationship is over. Please take note though that this does not apply to all but a mere generalization..

Secrets. When you start keeping secrets from your partner or you sense that your partner is keeping something from you, be cautious. A relationship will only work if partners are truthful to each other.

No More Sex. Weather you admit it or not, sex is a major part of any relationship. The physical closeness of any people in a relationship is very crucial. You may not have sex for a few weeks or so but lacking intimacy in a day or two is a clear sign your relationship is over. Intimacy is part of your sexual relationship.

Change in the behavior. If he used to say I love you ten times a day and suddenly drops to 3.. take time to see why. Although this may not be sure sign, repeated forgetfulness will tell you.

Rodliz’s Nest

OK that’s not my entry..

Coincidentally, we just celebrated our 8th year of being husband and wife, 11 years of being together this coming August. I can remember only 2 incidents when I thought it’s over between us…

First was when we we’re just starting. We have no formal relationship and something happened and we’re not the same anymore..and then for some reason I cant remember we’re back into each other’s arm..

Now the juicer part.. this happened a few years ago. It was Holy Week and we were supposed to spend it as a family. In short walang istorbo! (I even asked my sister who was living with us to go home).. The we had visitors.. and I did not liked it. I asked my mom to pick us because I do not want to spend Holy Week with him (and the visitors).. and he did not even bothered to stop us. That led me to think he favors his visitors more than us..

I told him we will be staying with my mom for good and he can have all the time in world to be his own..

Couples Corner: We Love Doing What?

Rodliz’s Nest

I know most of you will thinks our hobby is eherm.. with four kids being proof eh? LOL.

nah, it’s not.

in fact we don’t have one..

My hobby is blogging and he coding/programming.. so you see we both love what we are doing and we are both earning from it. He’s a software engineer and you can always see him in front of the pc doing his codes.. while I am a blogger/ internet marketing specialist and you can always see me in front of pc.. s

I cannot say cooking is my hobby as that is my responsibility. Sewing can never qualify as my hobby as I only do it whenever I am inspired.. maybe photography is a bit.. but nah, it’s blogging still.

next to that is eherm.. hehe

Couples Corner: Thanks But No Thanks

Rodliz’s Nest

Let me think of a day where I left him with the kids. Hmm.. only recently but that’s with two helpers. He cannot do it. He is not the mommy dad. Or is it because my kids are too dependent on me? Maybe, but he is such as baby too. Actually me sissies always tease me, I can leave my kids for a while but not hubby. He wont survive it. Actually I prefer going otu with him or I go out and he goes out too. I am not confident to go out if he would be the one looking after the kids. For sure he would pressure to go home.

Hubby is such a baby. LOL

And he knows how to spoil the kids so it’s better if I don’t leave them to him.

Hey Marce, wala ba akong welcome back bandaritas? LOL

Couple’s Corner: Sexy Pregnancy

Rodliz’s Nest

It’s mother’s theme this week at couples corner. I want to talk about my pregnancy with Sati, since Liz is one of her godmother.

It was February 14, 2009 when Sati was made. It was an unexpected pregnancy (like my two other boys). We thought I would not get pregnant since I’m still safe (meaning I am not ovulating yet). So when we found out about the pregnancy, we were surprised and don’t know what to do. After a few weeks, we accepted it and that was the most beautiful thing that happened to me. Beautiful in the sense that I was really pretty during my pregnancy. Must be that Sati shared some of her gorgeousness to me, once she was out of my tummy, I am back to being ugly LOL.

It was the easiest pregnancy since I did not expereinced morning sickness as difficult as I did when I was pregnant with the three boys. It was also the sexiest because I was able to wear sexy and revealing maternity clothes, not to mention stylish too haha.

So that was one of my many pics during my pregnancy with Sati. Aside from that, that was the only pregnancy where hubby and me did not argue haha.. I guess Sati is our lucky charm. LOL Actually she IS my lucky charm, I got to know a lot of great people because of her (read: Marce Club)