Rubber Mats For Kids

When I discovered rubber mats, I was hooked. Any mommy will agree. Rubber mats are next to safety. It can turn any hard floor to a safe soft floor. For a mommy of four kids, rubber mats has been my best friend ever since.

I use it specially when the kids are trying to learn how to walk. It has been very helpful to prevent the kids from tripping over and having a hard fall. The only problem I got is cleaning it and it becomes very slippery when wet. Back then, we only use the smaller rubber mats (1 by 1 foot) and it was painful to clean it. I am glad that I have known about the larger one which is 2×2 feet. But here, the only available 2×2 mats are thin and easily damaged. I am still looking for rubber mats that are thick and won’t hurt my pocket (if ever there is one).

The Secret To Having Great Kitchen Counters

Back then, it’s all about tiles. Kitchen counters are done with tiles. Now they say it’s all about stones, stones and stones. And I noticed that even the counter of my favorite  drugstore is made out of stone when I asked for over the counter appetite suppressants. Let’s first define what a kitchen counter is,  counter top is a horizontal surface that is intended for work in the kitchen such as food preparation. In bathroom and workrooms in general, counter top is also present. Usually, this is supported with cabinets below and with a height perfect for working while standing. Counter tops are made of various materials depending on its usage and the workplace where it would be placed.

In most possessional kitchens for example, they use stainless steel as their counter top. In usual homes, specially during the early years, counter tops are made of natural stone. There was a time where wooden counter top was a hit too. And then comes the tiles. Now it’s all about granite. The secret to having great kitchen counters lies not only on the type of material that you will use. It also lies on the materials around the counter. And to the owners taste. The color of the counter should match the color or the theme of the whole kitchen.

Room So Cheerful

Though my Sony w350 camera is not that good when taking photos, there is one thing that I like most about it. Its ability to take panoramic shots. Below is the interior of Brother’s Burger.

Sometimes I wish I can have a room in the housewith the same colors as the room above. It’s so yellow and so cheerful no?

Mommy’s Room

I’m the artsy craftsy type of person. I love rafts, arts and sewing. When we finally have our own house, I wish to have my own room. I can have my sewing kits there or maybe with that, I can finally save to buy me a sewing machine. I can also place my mannequin there and all my stuff that is related to sewing and creating clothes. It an be a place to display cheaper cigars collections or any of my would be collections. I can have a shelf for my camera (and soon to be cameras and lenses and anything about photography). And who knows, I can even put a small photography studio there with lighting and all.

All moms should have their own room, if it is possible. They should have their room where they can be just what they want except being a mommy. In here they an hone their talents and creativity. It can also serve as their scape room or rest room after doing household chores. And if you ask me what color should this be, though I would love to have in black, I can do with white. After all, with all my collections to be, the room will be more colorful than rainbow.

No Job Is Too Small For Handy Joe

House repairs can be fun to do but there are times that we just have to call professionals. Of course, we cannot trust our house to any one else. And looking for a Handy Manny here is not that easy too. Not until now.. though we don’t have Handy Manny here, we have Handy Joe here.

Handy Joe is the solution to your home improvement and repair service needs. They offer Repairs and replacement such as faucet and shower heads replacement. They can also do electrical repairs and a lot more. Aside from that, they are handy when it comes to installation. If you just bought a Gas range and range hood and no idea how to install it, Handy Joe will do it for you. And if you’re tired of your lifeless wall, have it repaint by no other than Handy Joe….

Check out their previous projects HERE