GM #1 Big Green Eco Bag

When we started pratcicing green living, I said I will make a weekly update on how much plastic we said no to. Over time, we got use to bringing our own bag that it does not appear to be extra ordinary to us (read: no biggie to blog about). We will go to the gorecery bringing 3-4 eco bags and would ask the bagger to just put the other items on a box if it does not fit with our bags. Even frozen goods goes straight to the bag or box, we don’t mind if the other items get as most of them would say. There was a time, no make that more often than not, we got strange stares or even irate look just because we don’t want to use a plastic bag. Sometimes it makes me feel bad.. yeah.. I mean, here I am trying to make our place a bit less polluted and these guys act as if I am the most stupid person for saying no to plastic.

Anyways, for my entry for the freshest and greenest meme in PMB community, the photo above is one of our trusted reusable bag (we have 5 or more). This is the biggest and it can accommodate a lot of items (as long as you pack it properly).