Weather conditions change over time. It is not always sunny. There are times it will be rainy or stormy and in other areas, snowy. How then can you dry your laundry under these weather conditions especially if you do not have the equipment to wash and dry automatically with just the press of some buttons? Some can avail of cash advance and buy a dryer specifically for heavy drying, but some cannot, so here are some tips when doing the laundry during the rainy season:
Have at least a dryer, one that gets most of the water out and have the laundry almost damp.
Have a clothesline inside the house (in your laundry room or anywhere there is a roof over it) but make sure you have simple knots spaced about 4 inches apart. These knots will keep the hangers from sliding all to the center and have your clothes stuck together which will prevent your clothes to dry completely.
Hanger everything so you use your space vertically. (Have lots of hangers.)
Use a fabric conditioner to avoid the possibility of smelling musty because they were not sun-dried. I always use two kinds of fabric conditioner, one is for our clothes (Downy isang banlaw) and one for the clothes of my kids (Downy antibacterial).
Whatever the weather condition is, you can always dry your clothes.