The Advantage Of Having A Travel Advisor

If you want to travel, here is a piece of advice—hire a travelling agency or hire a travel Travel advisors. Based on some readings, people who travel through an agency or an advisor is more satisfied that those who plan their travel by themselves.

Years ago, the news about the demise of travel agencies and travel advisors have surfaced the news as lesser travelers hire agents to book and organize their trips. Well, although it might be true to some countries, many people today still do hire them for many reasons.

First, travel advisors know better than you do. They know how to strategically plan your trip whether it is local or in another country. The thought that someone else is there to cater on your needs in booking flights, hotels, and other trips gives you relief and convenience.

Second, the price can actually be cheaper with them. Most people today think that it is more economical to book hotels and airfares by themselves. Well, the truth is, it is the other way around. Majority of travel agencies have connections and agreements with hotels, which causes the prices to be cheaper. The same thing goes for your transportation.

Third, having an agent adds comfort to your trip. Travel agencies can provide you an ease of access as you transfer from airports to hotels. They can also help you solve any of your problems along your trip.

Lastly, having an agent makes your trip more organized. They can give you choices of the best places to visit and they can help you explore the most interesting attractions in the place.

Packing For Around The World Travel

When it comes to packing, I can say that I almost perfected this department. Packing for a family of 6 is not an easy task. I need to pack less and yet it should be enough to cover the needs of my kids. My experience in packing is limited to a 3 day getaway or the most, a four day getaway. It’s out of town most of time, we haven’t traveled out of the country, so I have been reading a few tips on travelling out of the country as well as packing when traveling around the world.

What I learned so far, when travelling abroad or packing for an around the world travel is to pack light. I think the same principle applies, may it be an out of town travel or out of the country travel. Pack light since you can almost buy everything you might need on the place that you are going. A little research will come a long way of course. List down the items that you might need and list down the stores where you can buy it.

For an around the world travel, I have learned that you won’t actually need to bring too many clothes, even if your travel will take months. A one week supply of clothes is too much, they say that you do with 3-4 days supply of clothes. The key is doing the laundry. When it comes to changing weather (as you will encounter this in your around the world trip), you just have to rely on stores where you can buy clothes for colder weather. A good pair of jacket or sweater will do.

When it comes to personal needs such as toiletries or medicine, you can also buy this as you travel. If you have kids though, make sure that are prepared with emergencies.

Money Management

As a homemaker, I am not just involve in chores and making my home tidy. I also do the finances and manage our money. It is not an easy task, specially if you need to balance out the expenses and the savings. Good thing there I encountered a financial blogging portal that will surely help in managing our finances.

The bulk of our expenses goes to food. I think more than 30% of our income goes to food. For a family with 4 kids, well it’s kinda expected that we spend much on food. We spend on grocery and also buy food at the wet market. From time to time, I over spend on food. I’m still trying to learn how to manage our food expenses well.

When it comes to savings, we tend to put away what is left of our money every payday. A friend said that in order to ensure savings, what you need to do is take away 10% of your income and consider it as your savings. For us, it won’t work that way (although for the past few months, our savings is more than 10% of our income), we have to prioritize the expenses (specially the bills) before we can put money to our savings account.

With the little amount we are saving, I know we soon need to invest it, so that our money will grow. And with the help of the blog I just encountered, I know investing would be much easier.

How about you my fellow homemakers, how do you manage your finances?

How To Keep Your Closet Organized

This is the most organized my closet can get. And my OCD is not forgiving but it knows now how to cope.

Closet is my weakness. There was a time in my life that I’d go crazy whenever I see my closet disorganized. And by crazy, I mean throwing out everything inside the closet and re arranging it again. as time flies, I learned to cope up with having  a husband who does not what’s the difference between folded clothes and crumpled one. ANd he loves putting anything he fancies on his part of the closet, yes even candy wrappers and what not.. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day I can find cigars bundles on our closet.

I have learned how to keep my closet organized without sacrificing my sanity and be more accommodating to my husband. To keep the closet organized, divide the closet according to use. A layer should goes for the house clothes and a layer for outdoor clothes. You can also dividers to make it happen. Another thing, specially with socks, place a container, a box or a cylinder for it.

Always keep in mind that using one colored clothes hanger can make your closet neat and organized.

Do You Use Clothes Hanger?

Who haven’t heard of clothes hanger? For sure every home maker knows what a clothes hanger is how helpful it is in managing the clothes. This can be used to hang the clothes to dry or used to store the clothes in the closet.

There many different kinds of clothes hanger but the most basic types are wire hanger, wooden hanger and plastic clothes hanger. Of all the types, wire hangers are the oldest and most used. This does not only serve as a clothes hanger, but can also be used in projects and other crafts.

The wood hanger, which is the most expensive among the three types are usually used in department stores and boutique shops. Wooded hanger are very stylish. Other people also uses this in their home. Plastic hangers are the most practical. It is very cheap and is readily available. Even on small stores, you can find a clothes hanger.

Other than the three types of hanger, there are also those that can be categorize based on use. There are padded hangers that are used for coats. There is another type of hanger that is used for pants. And now with smaller hangers are being manufactured to accommodate clothes for the kids.