Asthma 101 For World Asthma Day

What is asthma?

Asthma is a common and potentially serious chronic disease. It causes the narrowing and inflammation of the airways, making it hard for sufferers to breathe.

Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and a cough that can vary over time in occurrence, frequency and intensity. Recurrent asthma symptoms frequently cause sleeplessness, daytime fatigue, reduced activity levels and school and work absenteeism.

Fortunately, asthma can be effectively treated and most sufferers can achieve good control of their asthma. However, failure to recognize and avoid triggers that lead to asthma symptoms may result in an asthma attack, unplanned doctor/hospital visit and even death.

What is an asthma attack?

During an asthma attack, the lining of the bronchial tubes swell, causing the airways to narrow and reducing the flow of air into and out of the lungs².

How many people suffer from it?

  • 20% of the world population suffers from allergic disease such as allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis
  • 300 million patients have asthma, and this is expected to increase to 400 million by 2025
  • In more than 50% of adults and 80% of children, their asthma is allergic4
  • Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children
  • Patients with asthma reported 14.2 million visits to a doctor’s office and 1.3 million visits to hospital outpatient departments

What can trigger the symptoms of asthma?

Although the fundamental causes of asthma are not completely understood, there are several, inhaled risk factors that can lead to the development of asthma² and may trigger its symptoms.

These include:

PM 2.5

These are microscopic air pollutants, with size below 2.5 micrometers, and long-term exposure to them can trigger pulmonary oxidative stress and inflammation. This damage is associated with the primary development of asthma and COPD. People with heart or lung disease (asthma and COPD) are under increased risk because these particles can aggravate the disease process.

Bacteria and Viruses

Inhalation of viruses or bacteria can cause influenza, common cold, tuberculosis and other infections and increase the risk at asthma or COPD symptoms.


  • Mold Spores: these can produce irritants and potentially toxic substances, which when inhaled by sensitive people, may trigger allergic reactions or asthma symptoms
  • Pet dander: contain allergens that can cause allergic reactions or trigger asthmatic attacks
  • Dust mite: the waste they produce is a potent trigger for asthma

Dry Air

Around sixty percent of the human body is water. Indoor, dry air draws water out of skin and hair cells, causing itchy skin, chapped lips, brittle hair and redeye. It can aggravate allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions, and ruin a good night’s sleep.

What you can do if you suffer from asthma? 


There are two types of asthma medication:

  • Long-term control medications are preventive, taken daily to achieve and maintain control of asthma symptoms
  • Quick-relief medications are used to treat asthma attacks. They relieve symptoms rapidly and are taken on an as-needed basis

Avoiding asthma triggers

Reducing contact with the triggers of asthma can help to reduce the severity of its symptoms. This can be done by:

  • Keeping a diary of your symptoms. This will help you and your healthcare professional to get a clear idea of what may be triggering your asthma.
  • Using an air purifier to reduce allergens and control their levels. Philips air purifiers all feature VitaShield IPS, which is proven to be effective against PM 2.5, bacteria, viruses and allergens, even removing particles as small as 20 nanometers.
  • Managing your stress can help keep your asthma under control – find an approach that works for you, such as relaxation, exercise etc.
  • If a beloved pet is part of your family, try to keep them out of your bedroom and off furniture. If possible, pets should be bathed frequently.
  • Keeping the humidity in the air in your home between 30 and 50 percent can help asthma symptoms. Philips Humidifiers feature Philips NanoCloud, a unique humidification technology that maintains comfortable moisture levels in the home using a natural process that doesn’t use artificial additives.
  • If you have any concerns about your asthma or the triggers that may affect it, speak to your healthcare professional.

Amway Philippines: #AmwayKissMeChallenge – Dare Yourself To Be More

Got yourself grooving this Summer?

Amway Philippines is currently having the Amway Kiss Me Challenge, the challenge is open to everyone who is willing to be more.

You’ve seen them groove — now it’s YOU!

Get a chance to win up to Php 50,000 worth of cash!

Just follow the simple steps below:
1. Like the Amway Philippines Facebook page (Amway Philippines)
2. Share the Kiss Me Music Video on your timeline (
3. Download the Kiss Me song (
4. Upload your own version of the Kiss Me dance at our Facebook Page with the hashtags #Amway#DaretoGroove #AmwayKissChallenge
5. Get your friends to like and share your entry! You can also view your entry or your friend’s entry at the Dare to Groove Page! (…/app/403834839671843/)

The person whose entry has the most number of like and shares for the week will win Php 5,000, and the overall winner can win Php 30,000!

What are you waiting for?

Dare to groove with Amway Philippines now!

Bundles of fun and health in Amway FUNdles #AmwayFUNdles #AmwayPH

Modern lifestyle can now be synonymous to stress, pressure or a harried schedule! From beating deadlines, to making time for family and friends, to going to killer gym sessions, the average city dweller’s schedule is typically jam-packed – and they certainly cannot go at it alone. A friend, a partner in health, a sort of a rah-rah supporter is needed by busy people to be in tip-top shape and accomplish everything on their to-do list without running out of energy.

For the gym buff, city slicker, or overtime queen, Amway, the global leader in health and wellness, can certainly be that friend as it rolls out its most sought-after lifestyle products in bundles that can help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Called the Amway FUNdles, these nutrition and personal care products work well together to help conquer the day-to-day demands of different busy lifestyles, whether it’s pulling an all-nighter, going on a weekend surf trip or marathon shopping session, or getting ready for the big date.

Enzo, 27, clocks in as an account executive, pulling long hours daily, and working overtime around big pitches. On weekends, he is an amateur mountaineer, scaling various peaks with his mountaineering group. For non-stop energy, Enzo relies on Amway’s Full Bar FUNdle. This power pack contains NUTRILITE™ Protein Drink Mix  that fuels up muscles and helps you stay awake and focused, and comes in mixed berries and chocolate flavours. It also has XSTM Rhodiola 110 Tablet that contains natural caffeine from green extract. Its main ingredient, Arctic Rhodiola rosea, provides the body with increased energy from a natural source to support mental and physical performance during exercise and other physical activities like mountain hiking.

Cara, 28, needs all the strength she can get being a banker who deals with hundreds of transactions daily and who ends her busy day with a session at the gym. Cara needs an extra source of strength and for that, she turns to the In and Out FUNdle. Whether she is doing a marathon Zumba session or cycling her heart out, Cara is in the best shape possible inside and out because of the NUTRILITE™ GreenTrim Tablet

Nutrilite™ Green Trim Tablets she takes. These contain a special ingredient called Green Select Phytosome that helps enhance metabolism, for people who are trimming fat from their diet. Taken twice daily with low-calorie meals, it is packed with GreenSelect® Phytosome green tea extract, which, when combined with a low-calorie diet and regular physical activity, makes one trim down faster.

Sarah, 24, is back in the dating scene, and for an ever-lasting first impression with shiny pearly whites and the freshest breath, she goes for the Kiss Me FUNdle. The Kiss Me FUNdle is specifically put together for those who want to have the confidence to mingle or get even closer on a hot date. The FUNdle comes with the very popular Glister Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste, which whitens teeth, fights cavities, removes plaque, freshens breath, and safely polishes teeth. so you can smile and speak with confidence. Partnered with the Glister Advanced Toothbrush, fresher breath is a breeze. Meanwhile, the Glister Mint Refresher Spray also gives you a minty-clean, cool feeling with one quick spray, a handy solution for refreshing your breath throughout the day.

Amway offers the freedom of choice to move towards the goals we’ve set for ourselves by introducing pioneering products in health and wellness..

How Voucher Codes Saves You From Online Shopping Overwhelming?

Shopping is very therapeutic to moms, especially when it comes for the kids’ necessities. However, it can also be overwhelming because of lots of choices and high prices! Perhaps, twice or thrice the trouble if you have more than one kid! Take it from here- shopping is not always pleasurable. It may tear you with two rivers, or you may feel over excited and becomes impulse! The same goes for online shopping. Luckily, there are a bunch of online shopping saving tips you can read and learn from that all over the net!

Voucher codes are very helpful when it comes to online shopping. You can be wiser spending your money when you start using coupon codes. Mommy Blogger Pehpot online shopping saving tips are very helpful, and the tips are just fantastic!

One of the most useful tips is using voucher codes, and it helps in a lot of ways such as:

1.       Save money

We all know about this very first benefit of using coupon codes. Saving 10%, or a dollar off is a huge saving especially if you do online shopping very often.

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Some voucher-provider websites offered free shipping. Some required you to purchase a minimum amount to avail free shipping.

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Once you do online shopping, make sure you go around and find the best deals. There are a lot to choose from, and the competition is huge so make sure to be a wise spender. You can get updates too so you will never miss out great deals offered!

5.       Shareable to friends

You can also share the codes with your buddies, and as a return favor, they can also share their voucher codes to you. It will be a load of so much fun and excitement than you thought! 

What to Look For When Hiring a Contractor

Hiring a contractor is no easy task. Your home is probably going to need some kind of renovations during your time living there, or you may be considering remodeling it to increase its value. Either way, you want to find the perfect person for your job.

Home renovation projects come in many different sizes. Some smaller ones you may be able to do yourself, but you are certainly going to want to hire a pro for bigger undertakings. It will actually help you save money in the long run.

So, you’ve decided you want to hire a contractor, but don’t know where to start. There are a ton in your area that are all promising the best service. How do you know which one is the best fit for your job?

What to Look For When Hiring a Contractor

1. Downpayment – Usually, a contractor won’t be able to get started on your job for a week or so, unless it’s an emergency. Most of them will ask for some kind of payment up front to ensure that you are serious about employing them. Never work with a contractor that asks for more than 25% up front. This usually means that they aren’t trustworthy. Most projects require a downpayment, a payment during the job, and the final payment at the end. You want to have a good portion of it left at the end to inspire your contractor to get the job done successfully in a timely manner.

2. Don’t just go with the best price – Understandably, a lot of homeowners choose their contractor based only on price. This isn’t the worst way to decide, but there are other things to consider. You want to work with someone you are going to feel comfortable with having in your home. If your job is big enough, they could end up spending a lot of time there.

3. Make sure they will sign a contract – Don’t work with a home remodeling contractor that won’t sign a contract with you. Anyone that refuses to have a paper trail usually has a reason why. Also, a contract ensures that the parameters of the job are clear so the pro knows that they have to get done.

Following these guidelines will help you make the right decision. If you don’t know where to start, consult with a directory like Contractor Services. These directories are great resource for homeowners.